
  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Any
  • Assigned To
  • Operating System All
  • Severity High
  • Priority Defer
  • Reported Version 2.x (beta's)
  • Due in Version 3.0
  • Due Date 2013-08-27
    4217 days overdue
  • Votes
  • Private
Attached to Project: Elive
Opened by thanatermesis - 2013-05-31
Last edited by grottem - 2017-08-26

FS#607 - e17 Menus Freezes after Wizard (not solved)

Lastest e17, after to finish wizard go fast to the applications menu and scroll it, e17 freezes

This bug reported by AlexAnteMachina has nothing to do with composite, not even with vbox, I tried it in laptop and e17 simply gets frozen, seems like X11 is died, very strange bug! even with my libs updated without the optimize options (please somebody confirm that we have debug messages now), there’s simply no way to get a backtrace because everything is blocked (well, you can kill X11, but you lose everything)

Maybe there’s not even needed to select German language, it looks like an efreet bug

This is another bug, but seems like caused by the same reason, sometimes, and just sometimes, e17 starts looking like this (some hang in the startup of efreet, or uncomplete or similar, idk)

A restart of e17 will solve the problem, but is not a good way to start e17 of course

Another bug: if you install eltrans (here is elive in version 2.1.40), and you try to open the menus, it becomes frozen

Closed by  grottem
26.08.2017 16:01
Reason for closing:  Fixed

there we go!


Updated details: Included a second different bug


Added another bug in the description


can anybody do a beta-test of these 3 listed bugs in an iso version >= 2.1.50 ?

Project Manager

ok, with my last fix, i think it should be fixed properly, lets see what happens in version 2.1.50++

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