- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Any
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PrinceAMD - Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.x (beta's)
- Due in Version 3.0
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- Private
FS#624 - E17 crash playing with gadgets
Thenuxnewbie (princeamd’s friend?) reported a crash on e17 “trying to move gadgets from shelf” he said, attached crasdump file
<Thenuxnewbie> im on wifi and i just noticed something, it would allow me to remove the gadget as long as the wifi signal strength isn’t displayed in what i presume is the system tray
<Thenuxnewbie> but as long as it’s showing signal strength bar, trying to remove the gadged crashes e17
So try to remove the wifi widget with the systray active to reproduce the bug
Closed by grottem
26.08.2017 23:07
Reason for closing: Works for me
Additional comments about closing:
26.08.2017 23:07
Reason for closing: Works for me
Additional comments about closing:
Did some testing by adding and removing
gadgets and everything keeps running
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get it done PrinceAMD