- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Category Any
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thanatermesis - Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 1.0 Gem (Stable)
- Due in Version Undecided
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- Private
Attached to Project: Elive
Opened by thanatermesis - 2009-08-06
Last edited by thanatermesis - 2009-12-30
Opened by thanatermesis - 2009-08-06
Last edited by thanatermesis - 2009-12-30
FS#454 - Better graphical performance for elive-compiz in Intel cards
It is needed to set some extra configurations for when there’s Intel cards in Elive Compiz:
- change mplayer conf to use X11 (or GL is better option?), and set the zoom ON
- Update: set the X11 or GL as a choice for the user (in case of any elive-compiz, not only intel), explaining how to configure it later and what’s the difference between them
- xine: use xshm or gl output (ask to the user too, or better, include the answer of the previous question for selection there too)
- gstreamer-properties for configure gstreamer to use X11 instead of XV
- xorg: set XAA instead of EXA (see deliver configuration for eeepc)
- export INTEL_BATCH=1 in /etc/profile
- set a different launcher for skype (.desktop) that uses: http://forum.skype.com/index.php?s=4417cd748721d80e99c902e2857eb6d8&showtopic=328901&st=0&p=1622441&#entry1622441
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Webcam in aMSN seems to work with XAA (at least with my webcam).
I have 2.6.31 and Intel VGA on dell D620 and the performance is a bit terrible. X without compiz works better.. It "works" but hangs often and restarts X, so still is better not to use compiz on Intel..
compiz effects made e17 more slow and unstable if you have a poor graphic card, not really matters if is intel or not but how much powerful it is, you can made it lighter by disabling ecomorph effects, but i preffer to use a plain e17 generally. Made a look to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMbRjnWLezM
Yes, U're right.. plain is better.. If U do any kind of effect, this effect will always take more time for example to open terminal or close widows whoch is what I'm talking about.. :) Or even as U said, disable almost everything and let some effects only..