
ID Opened Last Edited Task Type Summary Status Opened by Progress Due In Version   desc
 259 2008-10-122009-03-12Feature Request SAMBA system (Shared folders) Closedthanatermesis
2.0 Task Description

Create a system of Shared folders using Samba

 277 2008-10-282009-07-07Feature Request XMMS m4a plugins could be added Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

It would be nice to add the files for playing m4a sound files:
i was able to play right after adding the two plugin files (.so) to the xmms plugin directory
i would suggest to avoid compilation and take the precompiled plugins

here is the source page http://fondriest.frederic.free.fr/realisations/

 293 2008-11-112017-08-25Feature Request Gdebi should notice user when installing manually packa ...Closedassasukasse
3.0 Task Description

installing unofficial packages is a very bad practice, it can broke the system. We need to notice the user with a popup in gdebi about this issue.

 315 2008-12-032009-01-19Bug Report Brasero can't burn DVD Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

Brasero can’t burn any dvd:

Checking session consistency (brasero_burn_check_session_consistency burn.c:1785)
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_action
BraseroGrowisofs getting varg
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_action
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_input_type
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_flags
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_speed
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_device
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_action
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_session_output_size
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_input_type
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_fd_in
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_current_track
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_input_type
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_tmp_dir
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_action
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_set_current_action
BraseroGrowisofs got varg:
BraseroGrowisofs launching command
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_get_fd_out
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 02___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/02 - Prospettiva Nevski.mp3 (02 - Prospettiva Nevski.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stdout: Executing 'genisoimage -r -J -input-charset utf8 -graft-points -path-list /tmp/brasero_tmp_4RENLU -exclude-list /tmp/brasero_tmp_LWENLU -print-size | builtin_dd of=/dev/hdb obs=32k seek=0'
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_set_dangerous
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 09___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/09 - Voglio Vederti Danzare.mp3 (09 - Voglio Vederti Danzare.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stdout: HUP
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 18___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/18 - L'Ombrello E La Macchina Da Cucire.mp3 (18 - L'Ombrello E La Macchina Da Cucire.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 16___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/16 - Caffè De La Paix.mp3 (16 - Caffè De La Paix.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 17___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/17 - Atlantide.mp3 (17 - Atlantide.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 04___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/04 - Le Aquile.mp3 (04 - Le Aquile.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 07___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/07 - Centro Di Gravità Permanente.mp3 (07 - Centro Di Gravità Permanente.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 05___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/05 - Cuccurucucù.mp3 (05 - Cuccurucucù.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 08___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/08 - Summer On A Solitary Beach.mp3 (08 - Summer On A Solitary Beach.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 10___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/10 - Radio Varsavia.mp3 (10 - Radio Varsavia.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 13___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/13 - E Ti Vengo A Cercare.mp3 (13 - E Ti Vengo A Cercare.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 01___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/01 - L'Era Del Cinghiale Bianco.mp3 (01 - L'Era Del Cinghiale Bianco.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 06___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/06 - Bandiera Bianca.mp3 (06 - Bandiera Bianca.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using TITOL000.TXT;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/titoli.txt (titoli.txt)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 15___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/15 - Povera Patria.mp3 (15 - Povera Patria.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 14___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/14 - Nomadi.mp3 (14 - Nomadi.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 11___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/11 - La Stagione Dell'Amore.mp3 (11 - La Stagione Dell'Amore.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 03___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/03 - Up Patriots To Arms.mp3 (03 - Up Patriots To Arms.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using 12___000.MP3;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/12 - No Time No Space.mp3 (12 - No Time No Space.mp3)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Using FRONT000.JPG;1 for  Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/front.jpg (front.jpg)
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/02 - Prospettiva Nevski.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/02 - Prospettiva Nevski.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '02 - Prospettiva Nevski.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/01 - L'Era Del Cinghiale Bianco.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/01 - L'Era Del Cinghiale Bianco.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '01 - L'Era Del Cinghiale Bianco.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/03 - Up Patriots To Arms.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/03 - Up Patriots To Arms.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '03 - Up Patriots To Arms.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/04 - Le Aquile.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/04 - Le Aquile.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '04 - Le Aquile.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/05 - Cuccurucucù.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/05 - Cuccurucucù.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '05 - Cuccurucucù.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/06 - Bandiera Bianca.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/06 - Bandiera Bianca.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '06 - Bandiera Bianca.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/07 - Centro Di Gravità Permanente.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/07 - Centro Di Gravità Permanente.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '07 - Centro Di Gravità Permanente.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/08 - Summer On A Solitary Beach.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/08 - Summer On A Solitary Beach.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '08 - Summer On A Solitary Beach.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/09 - Voglio Vederti Danzare.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/09 - Voglio Vederti Danzare.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '09 - Voglio Vederti Danzare.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/10 - Radio Varsavia.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/10 - Radio Varsavia.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '10 - Radio Varsavia.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/11 - La Stagione Dell'Amore.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/11 - La Stagione Dell'Amore.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '11 - La Stagione Dell'Amore.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/12 - No Time No Space.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/12 - No Time No Space.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '12 - No Time No Space.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/13 - E Ti Vengo A Cercare.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/13 - E Ti Vengo A Cercare.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '13 - E Ti Vengo A Cercare.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/14 - Nomadi.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/14 - Nomadi.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '14 - Nomadi.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/15 - Povera Patria.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/15 - Povera Patria.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '15 - Povera Patria.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/16 - Caffè De La Paix.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/16 - Caffè De La Paix.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '16 - Caffè De La Paix.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/17 - Atlantide.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/17 - Atlantide.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '17 - Atlantide.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/18 - L'Ombrello E La Macchina Da Cucire.mp3' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/18 - L'Ombrello E La Macchina Da Cucire.mp3' have the same Rock Ridge name '18 - L'Ombrello E La Macchina Da Cucire.mp3'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/front.jpg' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/front.jpg' have the same Rock Ridge name 'front.jpg'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: genisoimage: Error: '/home/agostin0/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/titoli.txt' and '/mnt/data/Downloads/torrents/Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection/titoli.txt' have the same Rock Ridge name 'titoli.txt'.
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: Unable to sort directory Franco Battiato - The Best Platinum Collection
BraseroGrowisofs stderr: HUP
BraseroGrowisofs process finished with status 5
BraseroGrowisofs called brasero_job_error
BraseroGrowisofs finished with an error
BraseroGrowisofs asked to stop because of an error
	error		= 0
	message	= "no message"
BraseroGrowisofs stopping
BraseroGrowisofs got killed
Session error : unknown (brasero_burn_record burn.c:2372)
 320 2008-12-152008-12-15Bug Report Resume from sleep sometime ends in a frozen entrance Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

I noticed that from time to time resuming the eeepc from sleep results in a frozen screen with entrance showing. Is not possible to type name or password, and the system is responsive only to “poweroff reboot by hardware button”.
This has happened a few times after long standby (over 20 minutes).
I’ve been unable to switch to tty for further investigations..

 321 2008-12-162008-12-17Feature Request eeepc4g seems not to support speedstep Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

According to the ppl in #eeepc the cpu of the eeepc4g doesn’t support speedstep and they advised me to disable p4-clockmod since can cause unstability.
I found also on wiki.eeeuser.com that the default clock of the eeepc is 630mhz and is not possible to change it in any way (but there is an experimental linux kernel module to bring up to 900mhz the clock, at a cost of unstability).
this needs investigation, if its true, then it should be advisable to remove the modules from the eeepc special install...
w/o p4-clockmod my system seems very responsive while on battery, and the duration of the battery seems unchanged: 2.50h.
I suggest to make some test with the eeepc, i am doing the same.

 323 2008-12-172010-01-20Bug Report eeepc4g mute key is not configured Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

very simply:
EEEPC mute hotkey is not configured

 327 2008-12-252009-01-11Bug Report elive versions > 1.9.20 and the latest nonfree virtualb ...Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

i confirm that 1.9.20-1.9.21 kernel panic during bootup when using the latest nonfree virtualbox (2.1.0).
This happens on an Athlon Xp 2200, on a centrino 1.4Ghz which have different versions of elive installed:
The athlon has 1.9.20 upgraded and the centrino has 1.9.18 dist-upped to current.

 329 2008-12-292009-01-19Bug Report 1.9.21 and matrox card show double click behaviour Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

new installation of 1.9.21, the machine has a matrox card, seems that it keeps double clicking.

 662 2017-11-302017-12-28Bug Report Timezone wrong Closedgrottem
3.0 Task Description

With the 2.9.18 upgrade the timezone is off with 1 hour.

 13 2006-07-032007-02-21Feature Request No access to my other partitions for normal users Closedgagarine
Task Description

No access to my other partitions (Windows partition) for normal users. (Root user has access) This is not really a bug, but in the 0.4 all users had access.

 19 2006-07-262006-11-07Bug Report Thunderbird charset pb Closedgaou67
Task Description

Using Thunderbird on a Elive 0.5 on my laptop. The default language is French (Fr_fr), and default charset is utf8 for the system.
Some headers of emails don’t print correctly in the headers window of thunderbird, and changing the charset in the menu View→ Character Encoding doesn’t solve the pb... Maybe a pb of compilation of the pgm ?

I also had a pb with accents in xfe, I didn’t manage to solve (Those french and their accents !...)

Thanks for all with this wonderfull distro !

 20 2006-09-092007-04-01Bug Report Re-check ntfs filesystem later run elive 0.5 beta 3 in  ...Closed
Task Description

mount ntfs filesystem with rw attributes in live mode, it forced re-check filesystem for win in the next boot.

 29 2006-09-242007-05-28Bug Report Bluetooth dongle - no options, no GPRS Closedrooomish
Task Description

As in the Kanotix it will be very usefull to use the menu for bluetooth, devices detection and setting up, also menu for GPRS connection

 177 2007-12-292009-07-07Bug Report NVIDIA Fuzion FX5500 256mb pci linux won't log in Closedrealnesslviv
Task Description

i have NVIDIA fuzion fx5500 pci 256mb when elive tryes to login all i get is command prompt with user:,it doesnt get to real login screen,when i take out the card elive works fine with my intel internal

 183 2008-03-262008-09-11Bug Report No access to programs requiring root password Closedhesse
Task Description

When I start for example the Elive-panel, and try to access items requiring the root passwd, gksu pops up, prompting me for the password, and upon entering it, it just goes back to the elive panel without anything else happening.

If i first fire up the elive-panel as root in the terminal, everything works fine - and I can configure the system.

Starting the panel from terminal without root privileges prints out this, as gksu disappears after trying to launch a program.

(gksu:30556): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: “experience”,
Xlib: connection to “:0.0” refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

 233 2008-09-182009-05-25Bug Report gdebi doesn't install anything Closedassasukasse
2.0 Task Description

Seems gdebi is still b0rked, i suggest removing it from the final release.

 308 2008-11-282009-07-08Bug Report random crach with Elive1.9.18 ClosedIssa
Task Description

Crash with no reason

i have installed elive 1.9.18 on my laptop dell latitude d630.
and E17 crashed with no reason, for twice install.

i have wallpaper with blanck windows who write f1 resume or F4 quit, and when i put F1 i have entrance i relog, and same problem

 319 2008-12-122017-08-25Bug Report eeepc brightness apci script should be linked to correc ...Closedassasukasse
3.0 Task Description



this is the most up to date and correct link to be set up in laptop-mode tools.

 322 2008-12-172009-05-13Bug Report Laptop cannot boot up normally when on battery (Acer As ...ClosedJuzz
2.0 Task Description

With ELive 1.9.20 and on my Acer Aspire One I cannot boot up into X when on battery.

The boot is taking EXTREMELY long time and when it finally does something I get a console login.
Upon login it complains that all FS are readonly and hence fails to create the proper locks for X to startup.

 431 2009-07-102010-03-02Bug Report Installer: Migration mode: empty root password Closedthanatermesis
2.0 Task Description

Ubuntu doesn’t set any password to root by default, this is a very good idea (ironic), so that the migration mode of the installer works perfectly but when the user want to do anything with root... can’t do anything, cant login, nothing... since there’s no password

Add a verifier of root passwords in the migration/upgrade mode so that will request it if is empty

I will need a sample line of the root file / etc/shadow in order to know how to detect it

 602 2013-02-272013-03-28Bug Report Google Talk video-conference Closedthanatermesis
3.0 Task Description

I just tried to use Google Talk for videoconference (calls) but seems to not work, I tried it on chrome and even installed a .deb package provided by google, it complains about that is not correctly installed or something similar, I will need to make future look to it

 607 2013-05-312017-08-26Bug Report e17 Menus Freezes after Wizard (not solved) Closedthanatermesis
3.0 Task Description

Lastest e17, after to finish wizard go fast to the applications menu and scroll it, e17 freezes

This bug reported by AlexAnteMachina has nothing to do with composite, not even with vbox, I tried it in laptop and e17 simply gets frozen, seems like X11 is died, very strange bug! even with my libs updated without the optimize options (please somebody confirm that we have debug messages now), there’s simply no way to get a backtrace because everything is blocked (well, you can kill X11, but you lose everything)

Maybe there’s not even needed to select German language, it looks like an efreet bug

This is another bug, but seems like caused by the same reason, sometimes, and just sometimes, e17 starts looking like this (some hang in the startup of efreet, or uncomplete or similar, idk)

A restart of e17 will solve the problem, but is not a good way to start e17 of course

Another bug: if you install eltrans (here is elive in version 2.1.40), and you try to open the menus, it becomes frozen

 666 2018-01-032020-10-05Bug Report Numlock doesn't enable on boot Closedgrottem
3.0 Task Description

While booting numlock doesn’t enable this could be handy for passwords

 689 2018-05-262018-06-07Bug Report Setting of Elive song after login is not posible to set ...Closedravensun
Task Description

After install Elive Beta to NTB and login to GUI it is not posible to set song to “No song” or any else default.
If it is clicked for example to “NO SONG” aplication would set song by default.

 9 2006-07-032006-07-19Bug Report /etc/ftab file is not good generated Closedgagarine
 50 2006-12-132010-01-20Bug Report No drivers for wired network card Realtek RTL8111 (incl ...Closedentr0py
 56 2007-01-032009-10-21Bug Report huge CPU consum. by terminal Closedconny
 113 2007-05-152009-08-13Bug Report Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_so ...ClosedFreeEagle
 140 2007-07-122010-01-20Bug Report Switch video to Fullscreen OK but switch back to normal ...ClosedX3n0n
 145 2007-08-142010-01-20Bug Report sony crw 830e is recognized but doesn't burn CD's Closedawolters
 192 2008-05-272010-01-20Bug Report can't login and application bugs Closedslade
 208 2008-07-062010-01-20Bug Report Fatal server error: no screens found Closedfanatixx
 210 2008-07-062009-07-08Bug Report Using Synaptic driver and usb normal modem shows strang ...Closedassasukasse
 212 2008-07-092010-01-20Bug Report Thunar doesn't correctly umount usb pen and disks Closedassasukasse
 243 2008-10-012010-01-20Bug Report snd-hda-intel ClosedDevCore
 255 2008-10-112008-10-17Bug Report elive should be localized in english as default NOT in  ...Closedassasukasse
 257 2008-10-112009-07-08Bug Report Ralink RT2561 PCI wifi-card won't work with Elive 1.9.0 ...ClosedAlexAnteMachina
 267 2008-10-182010-01-20Feature Request Network-Settings-Profile Name blank by default. "Networ ...Closedjimslinux
 273 2008-10-202009-10-18Bug Report Installer does clean install instead of upgrade ClosedJuzz
 303 2008-11-262009-07-08Bug Report CDRW can't blank Closedthanatermesis
 309 2008-11-292010-01-20Bug Report can't get more than 800x600 in elive 1.9.18 Closedkiwa
 310 2008-11-302010-01-20Bug Report can't watch videos Closedgabriel_k
 313 2008-12-022010-01-20Bug Report Network Contigurator ClosedMardon
 324 2008-12-202010-01-20Bug Report mount-error occurs ont the second (slave) CD-driver Closedarnaudien
 325 2008-12-232009-07-09Bug Report Login impossible after Installation ClosedAlexAnteMachina
 326 2008-12-242010-01-20Bug Report fglrx and an ati 9800 card request xorg.conf additional ...Closedassasukasse
 337 2009-01-252010-01-20Bug Report Problems whit install gem Closedclaudiu
 350 2009-02-222009-07-23Bug Report Audio Mixer Gadget Problem! ClosedFreeEagle
 354 2009-02-232020-10-05Bug Report ADSL and PPPOE Configuration does not work ClosedFreeEagle
Showing tasks 51 - 100 of 755 Page 2 of 16

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